The original width of the entrance of the tomb was 1.08m.
Because of the width of the sarcophagus (1.35 m), it was necessary to broaden the entrance ET from 1.08 m to 1.73 m before the entombment of the prince.
During the mummification process of the prince, the walls on both sides of the widened entrance were restored.
The restored parts of wall 1 and wall 2 were never repainted.
They were also more fragile than the other walls of the tomb and were very susceptible to deterioration.
(28) shows a complete overview of wall 1.
The wall paintings on the bottom half of wall 1 are nearly completely destroyed.
On the upper half of wall 1, the wall paintings are better preserved than on the lower half.
However, the original wall paintings on the upper half of wall 1 show significant deterioration due to the widening of the entrance ET.
Pharaoh Ramesses III is depicted on the right side of wall 1.
Due to the widening of ET, a great part of the painting of the pharaoh has been lost.
Only the head and left hand of the pharaoh remain.
(28) shows the head of the pharaoh, wearing a nemes and a hemhem crown.
In his left hand, Ramesses III holds an incense burner, offering incense to the god Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, who is depicted on wall 3 of the vestibule (26).
Opposite the crown of the pharaoh, in the upper left corner of the wall, both cartouches of Ramesses III are depicted, which state ‘Lord of the Two Lands, User-Ma’at-Ra Mery-Amun, Lord of Appearances, Ramesses, Ruler of Iunu, true of voice’.
Ramesses = Rameses = Ramses.
Iunu means Heliopolis.
Ramesses, Ruler of Iunu means Ramses Heqaiunu.