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For a complete view of wall 16, from left to right, click on (131), (132) and (133) consecutively.
From left to right are depicted: the goddess Nephthys, the god Osiris, the mirror image of the god Osiris, and the goddess Isis.
Photo (131) shows part of wall 15 to the left of the metal support beam; photo (133) shows part of wall 17 to the right of the support beam.

(131) shows the goddess Nephthys, standing in front of the god Osiris.
Above the goddess Nephthys’ head, the hieroglyph of her name is shown.
It is clear that the workmen forgot to depict the hieroglyph of Nephthys’ name above her head when creating the wall paintings, so that this had to be added at a later stage.
The goddess Nephthys is depicted with her right hand raised as a sign of protection for the seated god Osiris.
Much of the lower part of the Nephthys painting has been lost.
In front of the raised right hand of the goddess, a yellow hieroglyphic column is depicted, stating ‘Words spoken by Nephthys’.
The god Osiris, who wears the atef crown, sits on his throne; he holds in his right hand the crook and in his left hand the flail.
In front of the face of the god Osiris, a yellow hieroglyphic column is depicted, showing the text: ‘Words spoken by Osiris, Lord of the divine land’.

(132) shows the god Osiris and his mirror image.
Between the left and the right god Osiris, a yellow hieroglyphic column is depicted with the text: ‘It is the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, royal Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands, User-Ma’at-Ra Mery-Amun, son of Ra, Lord of Appearances, Ramesses, Ruler of Heliopolis, true of voice, beloved of Meretseger, mistress of the West’.

(133) shows the god Orisis, sitting on his throne, and the goddess Isis.
In front of the face of the god Osiris, a yellow hieroglyphic column is depicted with the text: ‘Words spoken by Osiris, foremost of the West’.
In front of the seated god Osiris stands the goddess Isis.
As with the goddess Nephthys, the hieroglyph of her name is depicted above the head of the goddess.
Here too, the workmen forgot to depict the hieroglyph of Isis’ name above her head when creating the wall paintings, so that this was added at a later stage.
In front of the raised left hand of the goddess, a yellow hieroglyphic column is depicted with the text: ‘Words spoken by Isis, the great one’.
Parts of the raised left arm, the right hand and the legs of the goddess Isis have been lost.

(134) is a close-up of the god Osiris depicted on the left, whilst (135) is a close-up of his mirror image on the right.

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