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Prince Khaemwaset was a son of Pharaoh Ramesses III.

The most important titles of the prince were:
. Sem-priest of Ptah
. Eldest son of the King
. Fan-bearer to the Right of the King (sometimes translated as Fan-bearer on the King’s Right Hand)

Prof. Kent R. Weeks notes in his book The illustrated guide to Luxor (2005; ISBN 977-424-800-7) on page 358:
“Khaemwaset was a sem priest and for a time, High Priest of Ptah at Memphis, but little in the decoration of this tomb emphasizes this prestigious role”.
Although it has often been suggested that Prince Khaemwaset was a High Priest of Ptah at Memphis, there is no proof that he ever was a High Priest.

It is not clear who the prince’s mother was.
Some Egyptologists claim that his mother was Queen Titi, whose tomb (QV 52) lies near the tomb of the prince.
In the temple of Medinet Habu, on the western wall of the second yard, a portrait of the offspring of Ramesses III is shown (3).

It is not clear at what age the prince died, nor what caused his death.
The fact that the prince is depicted as a child in QV 44 does not mean that he died at a young age.
The theory that Prince Khaemwaset died at a young age is contradicted by the following two findings:
1. Of the mortuary equipment, Schiaparelli found only the broken cover of the prince’s sarcophagus in the burial chamber of QV 44 (4).
The broken cover, in rose granite, had a width of 1.35 m, a thickness of 0.70 m and a length of 1.60 m.
The anthropomorphic silhouette, covering the lid, was broken near the hips.
Two parts of a tripartite wig frame a youthful face; the nose has cracked.
Both arms are placed crossed across the chest; both hands are holding the crook and the flail (4).
Although the lid depicts a youthful figure, the size of the lid – 1.60 metres from the top to the hips – indicates that Prince Khaemwaset had at least reached adolescence at the time of his death.
The broken cover of the sarcophagus of the prince is now in the Museo Egizio di Torino (Turin, Italy).
Photos (4A) (4B) (4C) and (4D) show the broken lid of the sarcophagus of Prince Khaemwaset in the Museo Egizio di Torino.

2. Two identical hieroglyphical texts, placed on both long edges of the lid of the sarcophagus, do not mention the name of Khaemwaset, but the titles of his brother, Pharaoh Ramesses IV .
This means that the prince died during the reign of his brother.
Since Prince Khaemwaset was an adult when Ramesses IV ascended the throne, he must have been an adult at the time of his death.

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